 Cascades d'Ouzoud
 Al Hociema
 Ziz Valley
 Southern Dunes



A Bab (door) into the medina

This is Leo's 'home town' and a 'passage oblige' on any vacation to Morocco. Be warned this will not be the most relaxing part of your trip, and the medina can be a real struggle at times, but the price is worth the reward: a glimpse of old Moroccan ways.

Wind your way down the tiny alleys, fighting men, donkeys and food vendors. Give yourself 2 full days to 'experience' the medina. Day 2 will be much more rewarding, as you will be a little less lost. Arts and Crafts are numerous and high quality here. So shop here if you can.

Visit the Mellah (Jewish quarters) in Fes El Djedid- many of the architectural and religious particularities of the Moroccan Jewish community can be seen here.

Fes streets are too narrow and steep for forms of transportation other than donkeys!

For a glimpse of Leo's Fes, click here.