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Leo Notes

Atlas Notes

Cristel Notes


The Ourika Valley as described by Leo is no different than the week end destination of most wealthy Marrakchis- a narrow haven of coolness and greenery in the hot valley summers. Each of the valley towns resemble "Tasraft", as described by Leo:

"It is a small town on the banks of the Asifelmel, 14 miles from Marrakech, and 20 miles from the Atlas. Around the river there are many gardens, planted with palm trees, and the ground is good for growing wheat. All the inhabitants are gardeners. Occasionaly the river floods these banks, destroying the crops. Also, every summer, Arabs flock in and eat all they can find.
I visited this town and stayed only long enough to feed my horses. It was quite lucky that I was not found that day, and murdered by the Arabs!" (Leo, 99)